Monday, July 25, 2011

Do We Ever Stop To Think

Do we ever stop to think about what we have in life and how much we take for granted? I know I never used to that's for sure, yes while I was appreciative of a good job, a nice home and fairly new car and the other tangible things I had around me, did I ever once stop to think that any of it would change? Never crossed my mind until one evening on April 1st at 6:32 pm. Then all that flew out the window in a few terrifying and horrendous seconds when my car was slammed into, when the dust settled and I regained my faculties, I was hung upside down in my car supported only by my shoulder harness, smoke swirling around me, glass everywhere and something warm and damp dripping from me, (obviously my own life). Then with a panic I realized I could no longer command my body to move to escape this mess, now what do I do? I hung there quietly praying that either I would not burn to death in this wreck or somehow not otherwise expire in this wreck. For once I had to say that the sound of a siren wasn't annoying, it was a saving grace, a sound so sweet that I actually cracked a slight smile. After what seemed like an eternity of cutting prying and loads of emotional support from firefighters I was free at last, (but was I?).

In the hospital I was hit with the hammer, "Your neck is broken and you'll never walk again" now that was a hard pill to swallow here I was dependent upon everyone and everything and let me tell you I was none too pleased with it. Laying in the room pondering my new fate and life I came to the conclusion that why am I laying here feeling sorry for myself? I was given a second chance at life, though not quite as mobile as the first chance, it was a chance none the less and I latched onto it with a fervor and pushed myself harder than I ever pushed before to succeed. Have I succeeded? depends on one's method of measure, by my accounts I have far exceeded what I set out to do and there is always more I can do yet in this world. Tragedy does not have to mean the end, but instead a beginning, as a famous saying once stated; "When Life Gives You Lemons, Make Lemonade"

Remember one thing from this post if nothing else, you can do anything you set your mind to do and your mind is your only barrier in life.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Comparisons of Tragedy

One of my favorite games to pass the time is World of Warcraft which I have played for many years. It wasn't until recently that I had the chance to read the lore and stories of the various leaders and discovered a rather ironic but tragic parallel between myself and a virtual being.

April 1, 1999 at 6:32 pm, a time that is forever fixed in my memory as the point I died and ceased to exist as I once was. A drunk driver desecrated my spirit, corrupted my body and soul, and brought me back as a whirlwind of torment and hatred. My physical body no longer responded to my wishes and I was left in a mangled state, tortured by pain, anger and hatred. My only hope for salvation was to adapt to my new being and adapt to a world I no longer properly fit into. In the 2 years of hospitalization that adapation slowly took place, I learned to control my body and not let it control me, my injuries do not define me, my soul and heart define me and while I lost many abilities, I gained many more in return. While I continue to this day to battle, the battles are mere hurdles. To those who wish to stand in my way, I will roll over you. I have no tolerance for those who say "It cannot be done", as I will find a way to get it done.

You gain strength, courage in every experience in which you stop to look fear in the face. You must do that which you think you cannot do.

Always Vigilant


  The Story in question can be found here:
Life is but a fleeting moment in time, learn to enjoy it while you can, learn to love and not hate and most of all treasure what you have for you may not have it later. Take nothing for granted in this world because it can be stripped in a heartbeat without warning as I learned years ago after my accident. Learn to forgive the trespasses of others, but most of all get out there and live and enjoy life.

"Always forgive your enemies, nothing annoys them so much".


Welcome Friends

Yes I found a new place to dwell and will be writing fun and interesting topics from time to time about various things of interest and humor. Please stay tuned for some fun stuff ahead.